Happy Holidays Fam!
Thanksgiving is behind us and now we are in a mad dash straight through to New Years. During this time I have two sage pieces of advice for you. One, slow down. Take your time. Relish the season. Listen to the music. Watch the shows. Enjoy your family. It will be over before you know it.
My second piece of advice is … don’t miss our December Volunteer Day/ Open House/Cookie Drive!!! On Saturday December 9th from 12p-5p.
This was so much fun last year we wanted to do it again. We will be making cookies. Lots of cookies. Hundreds of cookies. Possibly thousands of cookies! I know what you’re saying “Vince that sounds like a lot of cookies”. It is!
Here’s how you can get involved:
1- Show up at our house on Saturday December 9th between 12-5. We will have food, wine, beer, soft drinks, holiday music and lots of decorations. We will be baking and decorating cookies. And kids are welcome! They make the best cookie decorators. If you can bake some in advance, we’d appreciate it but I’ll have the oven working overtime.
2- If you can’t join us, you can always bake at home. Your cookies, decorated or undecorated, will be greatly appreciated. Reach out to me about pick ups and drop offs.
3- If you can’t join us and can’t bake, we always need supplies. Click the “Donate” button below. Your tax deductible donation will go to purchasing supplies and packaging. Every little bit help!
Your hard work and generosity has made this an incredible year for us and we want to end it on a high note. Let’s give a happy holiday season to some Atlanta kids who could use a little cheer. I promise you will leave with a smile on your face, a full belly and probably some dog hair on your clothes.
At Many Hands we like to say “Work is love made visible”.